My quick weight-loss plans combine healthy eating with exercise and lifestyle fixes like drinking more water and improving sleep, to give you amazing results in a short period of time.

4 Day Detox & Slim Plan

Dump the junk and get back on track after a period of overindulgence. This healthy eating plan will help you to regain your energy, improve your overall health and shed a few lbs along the way. This is a 4 day healthy eating plan ebook, with links to Pilates and Yoga online workout videos.

Declare War On Your Belly – Shrink Your Belly In 7 Days!

My ‘Declare War On Your Belly Plan’  is a great way to reduce the size of your belly and strengthen your core abdominals, leading to a flatter, leaner appearance. You can also lose up to 7lbs!

My 7 day plan focuses on healthy eating and Pilates exercises to strengthen and tone the abdominal area.

You will be fully supported through the 7 days with: a shopping list, a 7 day meal plan, recipes, online Pilates core workout videos, and access to my support group.

Drop A Dress Size – In 7 Days!

If you need to lose weight quickly for a special event, my ‘Drop a Dress Size Plan’, could be just the answer you are looking for.

My 7 day plan focuses on healthy eating and fat-burning exercises to tone and sculpt the entire body.

You will be fully supported through the 7 days with: a shopping list, a 7 day meal plan, recipes, online Pilates toning workout videos, and access to my support group.

Stick entirely to the plan and you’ll soon be wearing a smaller dress!

Coming soon!